Soil Components

Soil texture is determined by three components: sand, silt and clay. Varying amounts of these particles influence the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, and are responsible for how much water the soil can hold.

Hover over/tap on each card below to learn more about the makeup of sand, silt and clay.



  • Largest soil particle
  • 0.05-2 mm in diameter
  • Feels gritty to the touch
  • Holds very little water



  • Medium-sized particle
  • 0.002-0.05 mm in diameter
  • Dry particles feel like flour and wet particles feel smooth
  • Holds a moderate amount of water



  • Smallest soil particle
  • <0.002 mm in diameter
  • Dry particles feel hard and brittle, and wet particles feel sticky
  • Holds much more water than sand and silt

Soils can be classified by the amounts of sand, silt and clay they contain. Next, you’ll go through an interactive guide to learn how to determine soil texture by feel.