North Dakota Pheasants Forever is proud to offer the services of our Precision Agriculture & Conservation Specialists to farmers and…
Pheasants Forever’s provides prescribed burn education, planning and on-site burn consulting through their Prescribed Burn Coordinator position. Burning can increase…
The Soil and Water Outcomes Fund (SWOF) provides financial incentives and agronomic support to farmers who are looking to add…
Recent studies demonstrate the value of urban and suburban greenspaces for wild pollinators. Pollinators are responsible for countless harvests gathered in backyards, community gardens as…
Most pollinators in North Dakota are insects, such as native bees, nonnative honey bees, beetles, flies, moths, butterflies, and bats. Through the process of foraging,…
There are many great reasons to prune: for tree health, improving tree appearance, protecting people and property, or to maintain an intended purpose for that…